A Bite to Eat


Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt


Snack.  Isn’t that a funny word to say? Snack.

So of course I had to check the etymology.  Where would such a strange word come from?

Wiki tells me that it originated with the Old Dutch snappen, meaning a little bite.  Middle Dutch transformed it to snacken, for reasons we will probably never know, and so it comes to us as snack.  A little bite.  A small meal eaten between larger meals.


Here’s a healthy-looking snack.  I enjoy that sort of mini-meal, especially if someone else is preparing it 🙂

I’d rather have this, though:


Yes, I know it’s very bad for me on so many levels, and I rarely indulge these days.  It’s not nearly as attractive as the hummus platter, but something about that wrapper just calls my name.

So here’s a question for all the philosophical souls out there:  Why are the things that are so BAD for us the things we want more than we want the things that are so GOOD for us?

Don’t lose any sleep over it. Go have a healthy snack.  Or unhealthy 🙂


Scottie Dogs


Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt.


Sometimes I’m surprised at what these one-word prompts bring to mind.

I remember going to visit friends when I was just about five or six years old. They were my parent’s friends, really.  I even remember their names. Cliff and Alice.  I remember they had a son, a very kind young man, who had what I later learned was a  permanent tracheotomy.  I don’t remember why he had it.


The other things I remember include an adorable set of paper dolls that I loved to play with. But most of all, I remember two tiny metal Scottie dogs, one white and one black. They had a silver bar in which their feet were embedded, and the bar was magnetized. I was fascinated by they way they were drawn to each other by those magnets. I also remember putting one of the dogs on top of  a metal table that had a permanent place in the enclosed porch, and the other dog underneath. I would move the bottom dog to control where the top dog went, and I made up stories as I manipulated them.



Not understanding the physics of magnetism yet, I was fascinated by the immediate bonding if I held them so their bases would click together; but try as I might, when I held them nose to nose they repelled each other and I could feel the force of that.  When I finally did manage to touch their noses together, they would immediately click to the magnetized bar.

It seemed magical to my imaginative six-year-old mind. I entertained myself for hours over the years we went to visit Cliff and Alice.

I wonder if they knew how much I loved those tiny little dogs.




A Moment out of Time


PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Jerusalem!  The Holy City!  What a wonderful place to be on such a glorious morning!

Seth shouldered his backpack and stepped onto the worn bricks, thinking, “What secrets these old buildings must hold!”

Pacing forward, he imagined the clamor of the mob that followed the horribly disfigured  man  struggling to stay upright under the heavy cross he carried. . . .

Suddenly, shouting, cursing, weeping, and taunting, people swarmed around him, elbowing him out of the way as they fought to keep up. All wanted to see  the crucifixion.

Seth snapped back to reality.  Lunatic or heretic?






Toys and Songs


Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt.


Remember this toy?


We’re going back to the mid-70’s and later. This toy hit the market like a tsunami.  Lots of fun.

Unless your neighbor’s kids had them, and loved to race down the slight hill, blocking the sidewalk and screaming bloody murder at 6 a.m. and keeping it up All. The. Livelong. Day.

Remember this song?

Cute, right?  Until you’ve heard it a million times as your kids go beeping through the house on a rainy day.  Ranks right up there with 100 Bottles of Pop on the Wall.  After a while you really want to disable the bus.

Well, things are quieter now.  We don’t have sidewalks in our neighborhood, and not many little kids.  The biggest noise problem we have now is whoever it is who’s been setting off fireworks just about every night since Memorial Day.   Because the house is usually closed up while the air conditioning is running,  the booms and bangs aren’t all that much of a problem once you know what they are. Amazing what you can learn to sleep through.

And that’s all, folks.  I have a very long day ahead, nine clients if they all show up.  By 9 p.m. I’ll have all I can do to  get into my car and let the wheels take me home.



In Our Own Backyard


Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt


Most of us are surprised and shocked when something scary goes down right in our own neighborhood.  In spite of all the violence that surrounds us these days, it usually happens elsewhere.  Over the weekend, the violence was local:


Police Shooting Suspects Believed on the Loose Near Wedgewood Golf Course in U. Saucon

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UPDATE: Shortly after 1:30 p.m. Upper Saucon Township Police issued a statement on their Facebook page advising residents of the area that the suspects in the earlier police shooting have barricaded themselves in a home off Limeport Pike at Pollit Lane. “We are dealing with a police incident in the 5000 block of Limeport Pike where a male and female armed with a handgun fired at police just before 12 p.m.,” police said. “The male is armed with a .357 caliber handgun. … You may see Police in the Curly Horse (and) Afton Village (developments) and the area of West Hopewell Road who are present to secure our perimeter. If you live in the area please stay inside and lock your homes. We will send an update when the incident concludes. Limeport Pike will remain closed between Chestnut Hill Road and Saucon Valley Road until further notice. Thank you.”

A major police incident involving a manhunt by law enforcement and public safety authorities unfolded in Upper Saucon Township not far from Wedgewood Golf Course and Hopewell Elementary School in Center Valley Saturday afternoon.

According to the Facebook page for the website Newsworking, area roads were shut down after two people reportedly shot at police and fled following a traffic stop.

Channel 69 News reported that Limeport Pike was closed between Chestnut Hill and W. Saucon Valley roads, with the intersection of Chestnut Hill and Wagner roads also closed.

A SWAT team was dispatched to a home near the golf course on Limeport Pike and a state police helicopter was reportedly hovering overhead in the area.

The Lower Saucon Township Police K-9 unit was also reportedly dispatched to the area.

Motorists should avoid the area for the time being and residents of the area should use caution.



It’s over now.  It ended with the shooters killing themselves.  I suppose things are getting back to normal now, but I doubt that anything will stay the same as before this incident.


A Tale of Commitment


Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt.


Taking the word apart, com means with; and mit,coming from the Latin mittere, is to pair or send.  So–to pair or send with, as in a marriage commitment, a business agreement, or being part of a committee.

Interesting word, because it can also mean to do, as in commit a crime or some other act. And in my line of work, to be committed  can be an involuntary entrance into a mental health program or facility–which brings me to my story, based on truth but changed quite a bit to protect those involved.

The woman was short, very round.  She had tiny  legs and arms, but her stomach made her appear to be in an advanced state of pregnancy.  She was well over 60, though, so I assumed she was not about to deliver a baby in my office.

She was married to a man who was slowly but surely descending into severe dementia, probably Alzheimer’s.  It’s a terrible disease that robs the victim of his personality and identity. His wife, my client, was his only caregiver at the time.


She had Bipolar Disorder, which is the same thing as being manic-depressive.   She was extremely intelligent, and her disorder was under good control because she was faithful–committed–to her medications.

Their children, however, remembered Mom before she got medical help.  They remembered her manic episodes, during which she spent money outrageously. It had been well over 25 years, but that was their main perception of her.

So they got their heads together one day, and decided they had to protect dad’s money from their mother.  Remember, Dad has dementia.  Without their mother’s knowledge, her children took their dad out one day. While they had him separate from her, they talked him into signing his power of attorney over to the eldest child; that child would be completely in charge of Dad’s substantial retirement and savings. It amounted to multi-millions.  They made sure that the document  specified that their mother would have no access or control over any part of his fortune. The eldest child would disperse funds to his mother as he saw fit.

Adding insult to injury, there was a clause that empowered any one of the children to do an involuntary commitment of their mother if that child felt Mom was getting out of line. So if Mom complained about being robbed of her husband’s money, any one of them had the power to put her in a mental health facility for a time to be determined by the psychiatrist involved.

In my opinion, the attorney who drew up this contract  was completely unethical.  Possibly illegal.

Mom wanted my help.  I told her there was nothing I could do, and suggested she see an attorney. She didn’t have the money for that, and her children wouldn’t give her what she needed. She was completely at their mercy.

I suggested she call her county area agency on aging and inquire about getting some legal help.  I don’t know how she’s doing now.  I hope she’s getting some assistance.

In summary:  The children of this couple formed a committee and committed a terrible act of injustice to both their parents, including the threat to commit her if she offered them any resistance.

I think the children are the ones who need to be committed!


Paper Roses


Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt


It has been said that the music of your teen years stays with you more than any other music.  Must be true, as these one-word prompts so often make my memory go right to a song that was popular when I was a teen growing up in Portland, Oregon.

I loved the voice and the songs of Connie Francis.  Here she is:




Don’t Believe your Feelings must be Truth


Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt.


Short and to the point today.

When your thinking has become an endless loop playing in your head hour after hour, you can bet it’s negative.  Or, in cruder terms, stinkin’ thinkin.’


If you don’t stop it, you will end up taking anti-depressants and/or anti-anxiety pills and believing that the whole world is against you.

The only real fix is to change your thinking.  Find what is true.  Stinkin’ thinkin’ is almost always a lie.  When we believe that how we feel must be the truth, we’re heading for a fall.  Feelings change. Truth never does.

Hitler felt that Jews were running the world, so he murdered them by the millions.  It was a lie, still is a lie.  If he’d turned off the tape recorder in his head, he might not be remembered as the monster he became.

In the Bible, Cain felt his offering to God was better than Abel’s, even though it went against God’s expressed instructions. So he murdered Abel, believing that God would then accept his offering. Wrong again.

I could go on, but I think you get the picture. Make sure that whatever it is you are feeling that is pulling you down is actually the truth. Take out the old reel and replace it with the reel of truth.

You are God’s creation.  He sent His Son to pay for your sin.  He loves you with an everlasting love.

That is truth.

Believe the truth, not the lie.


Fear is Grey


The two young girls lying bound in the trunk could hear nothing, see nothing, to help them escape. They were cold and  terrified.

It was supposed to have been fun, going to a party with the two cool older guys who had picked them up. “Come with us, come on!” They never saw the third man behind them holding the syringe.  A prick, then nothing.

They should have listened. They should have stayed with a crowd of friends. Should never have gone with guys they didn’t know.

Too late for remorse. Too late.