What on Earth!

Zing and Zang sat on a porch step, gazing high up into the sky.

“What on Earth!” Zing exclaimed.

“No idea,” replied Zang.

“Earth people are weird,” said Zing.

“Got that right,” said Zang.

“Well, after our latest narrow escape, I guess we can’t say much. Good thing we can teleport. That was a MESS when the Leaning Tower crashed!”


I’m back, but I don’t know for how long. Things are a bit hectic around here, with my son and his wife staying with us. Finding quiet time to write is difficult. They went South this week to be with J’s mom for her birthday, so I have a little more time to myself. I’ve missed being here! I think this is the longest I’ve been away since I started with this prompt several years ago. Good to see you all again 🙂

The Tower


Zing and Zang had wandered all over Rome and Florence. They marveled at the sculptures and paintings they saw. No artists lived on Zukor, their home planet. All were scientists or government employees.

They journied to Pisa to see the Leaning Tower. Teleporting was quickest; within seconds they stood on the grassy area surrounding the Tower.

Suddenly, Zang grabbed Zing, dragging him away. “It’s falling! The giant’s mouth is wide open! He’s yelling at everyone to get away! Oh, his eyes are terrible!”

“Zang, it’s been like this for hundreds of years. That’s not a ma. . . .”