Take Two

Am I allowed to put up two posts on the prompt in the same day?  Yes?  Good, thanks,  I wouldn’t want to cross any boundaries here 🙂

First of all, I just want to say, IT’S SNOWING AGAIN!

Which has nothing to do with what I really want to say.  Funky mood I’m in today. Being sick plays games with my normal thought processes.  That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.

I got to thinking about my mom, who died about 2 1/2 years ago. My daughter and I had flown down to see her, knowing it would be the last time.  She wasn’t ready to let go, though, and talked about setting up housekeeping again when she got better.

I was pushing her in her wheelchair after a Fourth of July gathering, and she’d had a grand time. Lots of family and friends, and music and laughter. As we neared her room in the nursing home, she commented, “I just feel like there’s more I need to do for you girls.”

momslastbirthday“Mom, ‘we girls’ are  65 and 67.  I think we’ll be okay.  Maybe it’s time for you to let go now and just relax. Don’t fight it. It’s okay.”

She died just about two weeks later, and a sweet friend gifted me with the flight back down to Colorado so I could be there for her burial and memorial service. I got to write a eulogy for her, which is a lot more fun and more interesting than writing my own.

You can see one version of it here. I trimmed it here and there to read at her service, but the essence is the same.
