Shark Bite

A true story:

Pain as sharp as a shark’s bite attacked Terry’s arms. He came in from working outside. His usual ruddy complexion was sheet-white. He said he just needed to rest.

The trouble was that he couldn’t find a comfortable position. I was quite concerned. He’s 80, and there is a history of heart disease in his family.

In the ER, they put an EKG on him and actually saw the heart attack taking place. Long story short, he had one artery with a 90% blockage. They roto-rootered the artery and put in two stents. No heart damage.


End note: He’s doing very well. I am very tired :). We’re thankful for excellent treatment and care.

Sad Moose

PHOTO PROMPT © Alicia Jamtaas

“Aren’t you going to put lights on Moose?”

“What? Why would I do that?”

“You have lights everywhere else. The poor guy probably feels neglected.”

“He’s dead, Gladys. He doesn’t feel a thing.”

“You don’t know that. Poor guy is looking down from Moose Paradise and wondering why you won’t light him up.”

“Gladys, really. Since when did you get all sentimental about Moose?”

“Well, you gave him a name, so he deserves some respect. You’re so coldhearted! He’s sad! Look at his eyes!”

“Yeah? You know what, Gladys? I think YOU’RE the one who’s lit up!”



Zing and Zang sighed, staring in amazement at the reconstructed flying machine.

“Did they really try to fly in that thing?” queried Zang. “It looks like a child’s toy!”

“Well, it is primitive for them, even by their modern standards. It didn’t take them very high, for very long. But they were just getting started with the whole idea of flight.”

“But— had they no flight engineers, no understanding of hyper-speed and all that? What did they teach their children in school?”

“Maybe that’s where we need to go next–back to school. Could explain why they’re so primitive.”