How Could I Forget!

I just remembered what I had planned to mention this morning.  I think my brain is still on vacation. . . .


Today is our 49th wedding anniversary!  That’s worth putting out there into cyberspace, right?  Forty-nine years that went so fast, in retrospect, that I can hardly believe it’s true.

Forty-nine years.  Four children. Nine grandchildren.  Showers of blessing.  Friends, church, work, other family members have all enriched our lives beyond measure.

A young man who was my seat mate on the journey to South Dakota asked me what the secret was for such a long marriage. That’s easy.

Commitment.  A promise is a promise, and you don’t break promises–especially to the person you marry, because that is a sacred union created and blessed by God.

So whenever there was a crisis–and there were many, large and small–divorce was never an option. We had said, “I DO!”  and we meant it.  We found ways to compromise; we learned to be better listeners.  Neither of us has to be right all the time, so neither of us has to be wrong all the time.  There is a balance that grows as each  situation is worked through.  We rarely disagree these days.  Usually, it’s just not worth the time and effort.

The biggest irritants we have now involve old-age things, like hearing loss–which, believe me, can create some extremely irritating moments–and short-term memory issues.

“Linda, do you know where my keys are?”

“Where did you have them last?”

“In the CAR!”                                                                       Image result for hearing loss in old age

“Did you look there?”

“Not yet.  I was hoping maybe you picked them up.”

“Nope, don’t think so.  I’ll check, though.”

“Ter?  Did you look in the pockets of the pants you had on yesterday?”

“Why would they be there?”

A few beats of silence.

“Okay, I found them. Don’t remember putting them in my pocket, though.  You must have done that.”

“Of course I did.  That’s what I do, go around putting your keys in your pants pockets.”

“What’s that?”

“Nothing.  Never mind.  Glad you found them.”



Speak Up!


Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt


This word has a whole new meaning for me these days.  I’ve had exceptionally good hearing for years, with the only downside being that I have always had a little trouble sorting out conversation when there is a lot of background noise.

These days, however, it’s more than just background noise that makes it hard for me to hear.  I had my hearing tested a couple of years ago, and I’m well within the normal range.  That surprised me, because I KNOW I’m not hearing things I used to be able to hear.


It’s especially troublesome at work when I have a very soft-spoken client and the window air conditioner is running.

At home, I’ve just given up. Terry has become quite hard of hearing, and often people who are hard of hearing tend to raise their voices.  Not Terry. He mutters and mumbles and  sometimes even when I’m looking directly at him I can’t hear what he’s saying.  Also, if I’ve said it once. . . . .”If you can’t see me, then I can’t hear you!”

I wish we could turn up the volume. I wish we didn’t tend to lose our hearing as we age. I wish a lot of things.  Life is what it is, though, and you just have to learn to accommodate the changes.

I’m glad there’s a volume control on the TV 🙂