Measuring Up

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

“Mom, I love this mat. Bet you would have loved having one when you were doing a lot of baking.”

Millie smiled as she dusted flour from her hands. “Yes, it’s a great idea.”

“How did you ever know when you got things the right size?”

“I used an old-fashioned doohickey called a ruler.”

26 thoughts on “Measuring Up

    1. I learned how to use a sliderule in high school. I’d be in sad shape if I had to use one today! Even my engineer husband isn’t sure he’d remember how to do it. But I still know math, and can do it without the help of my online calculator if I have to 🙂

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      1. Used more for baking when you’re rolling dough for a pie, or any other pastry that requires a certain length or width. And my ruler is also great for scraping up flour and sticky dough from the counter top once my project is finished 🙂

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  1. Dear Linda,

    I laughed out loud. We have many old fashion doohickies at our disposal that baffle this current generation, don’t we? No one understands the big hand and the little hand anymore. Nor can they read or write cursive. I will say the mat in the picture is silicone and doesn’t slip like my old Tupperware one. 😉



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    1. It boggles my mind that cursive writing is becoming obsolete. My goodness.

      I’ve never had a mat like that, just my counter top or maybe a sheet of waxed paper–just like my mom did 🙂


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