
Ready, Set, Done

Our weekly free-write is back: take ten minutes — no pauses! — to write about anything, unfiltered and unedited. You can then publish the post as-is, or edit a bit first — your call.


I don’t have heartburn about anything this morning.  I love Thursday.  Thursday is my Friday, my last day of work until Tuesday.  Yes, I am privileged to work three days, then have a four-day weekend.  How did I get so lucky?  Look, I’m 67.  I think I’ve earned a little bit of a break.  As it is, I’ll be working until I’m at least 72 and get my student loan paid off.

Student loan?  Yes.  I went back to school when I was 50.  My husband made just enough money to prevent me from getting grants.  I’m not a minority, disabled, etc so I had to pay the full shot, and take out loans to do so. I knew going in that I’d be working well past age 70 before I could retire, and it was ok then and most of the time it still is.

Let’s see.  Eight minutes to go.

Beautiful fall weather here in my corner of PA.  The humidity is mostly gone; the mosquitoes are gone.  The colors of the fall flowers are intense because the air is clear.  Great sleeping weather. Some of my clients are already feeling the onset of the The Dark, as the days grow shorter.  They’re dreading the end of Daylight Time on Nov. 2, because then it will be dark by 5 p.m.  I don’t experience SAD,  and I’m glad.  Have to admit I don’t like driving home in the dark, but it’s only for a few months.

I’m hearing dire reports about the coming winter.  Words like “EPIC,”  all in caps, to describe the expected snowfall.  Good grief.  Our roads are still not all repaired from the damage of last winter.  We’re not nicknamed Pottsylania for nothing!  This was everyone’s favorite joke this spring: 

One minute to go.  Took me a couple minutes to find that picture.

Anyway, nothing profound this morning.  I’m off to work in an hour, and there may be some profundity going on there.

Or not.


5 thoughts on “Rambling

  1. Pottsylvania made me chuckle. I don’t despite my depression, experience SAD. I actually welcome the nights closing in and getting up in the dark. Somehow it makes me feel cosy and protected… which probably says all kinds of things about me I don’t want to know 😀 Have a fabulous early weekend 😉


  2. Love your thoughts on Thursday/Friday and 4 day weekends. I used to have 3 day weekends and loved them. Modays were wonderful to get “business” done while others are working. Thanks for your thoughts

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Incandescent Joy – The 3rd of October 2007 – Evanston, Illinois | Forgotten Correspondence

  4. Pingback: Ready, Set, Done | Blogged With Words

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