The Shul

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot

Three angels perched on the sills of the windows above the three entrance doors. They watched as the devout came for the service.

“Akiba, has the neighborhood changed? ” Amichai was a young angel, new to the neighborhood.

“Oh, yes indeed,” sighed Akiba. “This shul has stood since everyone walked here for Shabbath. They came in families, from nearby houses that were never taller than the synagogue.”

Asaf chimed in. “I came here as a boy. We knew nothing of automobiles.”

“Has it ever been attacked?” questioned Amichai.

“Yes. Sometimes Yaweh lets us protect it; sometimes not. His will be done.”

68 thoughts on “The Shul

    1. Guardian angels who cannot always guard us from everything. Makes me think of the notion of free will-and the perennial question of why does a just God let bad things happen to good people. The resignation of the angels is disturbing.

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      1. I am smiling, thinking, that if you were learning Hebrew, It should have been called a Cheder; Shul, being Yiddish, would be for learning Yiddish,or really just a place of Jewish worship.

        But I am splitting hairs on my bald head.LOL.


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    1. Thanks. You’re correct. Sometimes, especially in Europe, a Jewish shul looks just like any other building in a row of connected buildings. They were not permitted by law to have a structure that was easily identifiable, and kept the true purpose hidden for their lives’ sake.


  1. A well-written story, Linda. I learned something. I didn’t know a synagogue was called “Shul”. I like the way you brought in the heights of the surrounding buildings. That happens with many older buildings. I enjoyed this story. I could see those angels in my mind. You made it fit in with today’s sad episodes of violence. —- Suzanne

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  2. Aww, this is such an endearing story. And I too did not know what a Shul was before this. I always love to learn new things while reading these stories… and I’m learning a lot this week. 🙂

    Very lovely!


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  3. That’s the way God’s Will works. He wants to respect man’s free will so He intervenes so infrequently and no one understands exactly why some are spared and some arent’. It’s good to have recourse to the Book Of Job at times like this

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  4. gahlearner

    This is very cute but also sad. I’m not religious but right there with you on the free will thing. If there was constant surveillance and interference by a deity, there couldn’t be free will. So we will have to work for all the important things in life ourselves, whether we believe in higher powers or not.

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      1. gahlearner

        Yup, non religious people also ask questions about what might be out there, is there more than meets the eye, and can find wisdom in scriptures. At least some do.

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  5. Abhijit Ray

    Lots of history around the place of worship. Devouts have been coming here for a long time, when automobiles were not in vogue. People would walk in to offer prayers. Nostalgic!

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    1. Thanks, Brenda. I don’t always understand God’s will either, but I know we are told in Isaiah that His thoughts and ways are higher than our own, and so I don’t expect to understand Him. Trust, yes.

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  6. deborahsdeliberations

    I enjoyed this, Linda. I didn’t know what Shul was. I didn’t even notice the buildings in the background, I was so focused on the Shul 🙂

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  7. This is such a great take on the prompt, Linda. And people do have questions about why God allows some things to happen or why He doesn’t intervene sometimes. Nothing is wrong with asking questions. And it’s okay not to always have the answers.

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  8. I think this story demonstrated the question believers and non-believers alike ask: if God is real, show us, give us something to believe in, a hand out here, we’re only human, help us.


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    1. This topic has appeared several times in the comments. I don’t think there’s a “one size fits all” answer. By its very nature, faith does not demand proof. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

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