Puppy Love


Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt.


I hope you don’t mind if I write about my granddaughter’s new puppy again. It’s just such a delight to me to watch them together.  He’s five months old now, and has gained weight and height.  He’s still as cute as can be, and always will be.  He’s one of those small dogs who will always be cute. His fur is getting longer, and sometimes little curls stand right up here and there.  His tail is always wagging, and it involves his whole lower body.

He’s a very happy little dog. He’s already become the close companion for my granddaughter, who is his faithful primary caregiver. She feeds and waters him, takes him outdoors faithfully in the housetraining process, plays with him, holds him and encourages him to cuddle up with her if she’s sitting on the sofa reading.  He doesn’t need much encouragement.

The companionship between them is amazing. If he loses track of her, or she leaves the house without him, he paces back and forth into every room, making little whining noises in his throat that end in a question mark.  When she reappears, he acts as if he hasn’t seen her in years.

He’s stronger now, and loves a tussle with his knotted rope. He’ll  chase it, bring it back, and wait expectantly for her to take it from him. He makes ferocious growlings in his throat while his tail stirs up a windstorm.

photo of a 5 months old, white & lt. brown, Cavachon - Charlie is an ...

(This is a five-month-old Cavachon I found online. It is not our dog, but it gives you a pretty good idea of his size and appearance.  This dog’s fur isn’t as long as Andy’s, and his markings are different,)

He loves people. He expects to be loved right back. We took the kids to a park a couple of times last week, and it was as if a whole new world of wonderful smells and loving people  opened up in front of this little dog. But always, always, he checks to make sure his little girl is where she should be.

As he grows up and settles down from the puppy stage, she is going to have a companion who will love her without condition or judgment, no matter what. There’s nothing quite like a faithful little dog whose love is in his eyes.

It’s a pleasure to watch them.
