Evil Twin?


Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt. 


This is a German word, literally meaning double-goer.  It generally refers to either an apparition or a real person who is a double for someone else.


Image result for doppelganger

It’s always fun to match up people you know who look like famous people. Sometimes the resemblance is pretty amazing.

In literature and movies, a doppelganger is usually considered an omen of bad luck, and capable of mischief or even of violence.

Here’s a link that describes what I’ve always thought doppelgangers were:


I’ve never thought they were friendly or helpful, but rather ominous and usually leading to a whole bunch of trouble.

I’ve never seen one of these paranormal types.  It’s surprising how often, though, people have mistaken ME for someone they know.  “Oh, excuse me!  You look just like So-and-So.”

It’s rather disturbing to have such an ordinary face that you remind everyone of someone else.


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