

The overwhelming giant TV screen should have been the center of attention, and for some people it probably was. But Jilly didn’t care about the old clunker being dredged up from a lake somewhere.

She wanted to know who the people in the pictures were. She loved the multi-colored duck and the bear tootling away on his horn. She wanted to light the candles and populate the little houses with people from her imagination.

She pestered her grandparents about the pictures on the walls, and the fascinating things in the cupboard.

“TV is boring,” she said.

Different Strokes

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

He snorted, as always, as he stood in the door of her office. “Tchotchkes. Bric-a-brac. How do you stand all this mess? Clutter, nothing but dust catchers!”

I’m not having this conversation with you again.”

“Right. They all meeeaan something to you. One day I’m going to clear it all out so you have space to work!”

“The day you do that, you’ll have lots of wide open space for yourself. I and my “mess” will be gone. Now leave me alone.”

“Bah!” He snorted again as he stomped away.