Sunday Morning Coffee: Update

Well, here I am on my  fourth day of pain pills and muscle relaxers.  Apparently they’re working at night.  I’m sleeping well. But the daytime presents a host of challenges. Walking huts, sitting hurts, and lets not even talk about bending over.

However, my daughter’s birthday gift this year was to take me to Reading to hear Jeanne Robertson.

This shouldn’t be a problem, right?  A friend went with us, and If I couldn’t drive to Deb’s then she could. But the driving was no problem. And Deb drove to Reading. We parked in a parking garage, and that’s where the trouble started. We had to walk from there to the venue.

I have an excellent cane, and both my daughter and our friend know my situation. We walked very slowly, and got there wit no trouble.  When it was over, my friend  Deb went back for the car and picked me up. An usher was even kind enough to bring me a chair while I waited.

I took my meds and crawled into bed. It wasn’t until somewhere around 3:3 a.m. that I knew I was in a lot of trouble. And I’ve been in trouble ever since. No let-up until or unless I go to bed, and I wake up right on time for my next dose.

So, you might ask, was it worth it?  Was it worth risking all this pain just to hear some commediene you can watch on You Tube?”

Oh, you betcha 🙂  Its the same as the difference between watching a sports even on TV or having tickets to see it live.

13 thoughts on “Sunday Morning Coffee: Update

    1. Yes, I was thoroughly lectured by DH about knowing better etc. 🙂 Both my daughter and I were under the impression that it was only a block away.

      I just put in a call to my pain doc. Last time I was there was over 2 months ago, and he said no more steroids for six months. I’m hoping he has another option in his bag of trick.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I hope so, too. Saying a prayer.

        On a happy note, my daughter saw her first client last week (as an intern). They will have their second session this evening. I’ll be praying about that, too. Thought you’d be able to appreciate how exciting this is for her…

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