
What makes a teacher great?


Humor. Patience. Enthusiasm. Strength. Leadership. Organization. And endless fund of energy. Creativity. A thorough knowledge of the subject being taught. A love for that subject. Understanding that not all students will love the subject, nor will they all  understand it.

Knowing that different students have different learning styles. Figuring out ways to adapt to try to reach those different learning styles.  Being willing to go the second mile.

Having a good understanding of temperament types.  Understanding one’s own temperament, and how that acts and reacts with the temperaments of students.

Knowing when to say NO.  No to extra tasks, extra responsibilities that drain the energy.

Getting enough sleep. 

Being a good listener.

Putting ones’ own family ahead of one’s students, no matter what anyone else says or thinks.

Flexibility.  Willingness to try something different. Learning from other teachers, and from the students.

Teachers who are truly excellent teachers are rare.  Good teachers are more abundant. I always wanted to go beyond good when I was a teacher.  Sometimes, I just didn’t have the energy.

Excellent teachers are often not appreciated until years after a student has passed through the classroom.  Too tough, too strict, too . . . .well,  just not easy to manipulate.

Being a teacher is tough.  Being an excellent teacher is a gift.
