The Artist

PHOTO PROMPT © Rowena Curtin

Jacey watched from her upstairs window as people walked the narrow street. They went into some of the stores, eating or purchasing souvenirs, and coming back out smiling and laughing.

Jacey love the colors of the buildings. The brilliant sun spoke to each color as it rose into the blue, blue sky. The only thing Jacey couldn’t tolerate was the dingy, colorless pavement. She’d gathered enough tips to get another can of paint, Her brushes were clean and ready. By sunrise tomorrow, there would be more rows of intricate swirls and loops.

And she would clean up the messes, too.


(I see that my last post was two weeks ago, a rather lengthy absence for me. This winter has taken its toll on my health. First, six or so weeks of mono; and now I have a severe case of bronchitis. I am SO done with winter! It’s actually been quite mild for us, and I think that’s part of the problem. It hasn’t been cold enough long enough to kill the nasty viruses that seem to be taking people down this winter. I think I have a serious case of the doldrums. I need a fresh breeze to push me out of this funk. Hoping there will be some fun stories to bring a laugh this week!)

37 thoughts on “The Artist

  1. You would think all of these flu bugs would have gotten bored and died off while we were all masked and social distancing, but it seems to be the opposite. They are worse than ever. I am sorry for your bronchitis. I had a miserable case of it before Christmas, which led to laryngitis, which lasted forever. Get well soon! 💞

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